Diploma IFRS Course

HomePrograms & CoursesDiploma IFRS Course

Course Objective.

The Diploma IFRS Course aims to enhance your knowledge and comprehension of International Financial Reporting Standards, along with the ability to effectively apply them. Additionally, you will gain insights into the underlying concepts and principles.

Upon completing the Diploma IFRS Training , candidates will be expected to:

  • Grasp, articulate, and apply the IASB’s Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting.
  • Implement the relevant financial reporting standards to the essential components of financial statements.
  • Recognize and meet disclosure requirements for companies within financial reports and accompanying notes.
  • Prepare consolidated financial statements (excluding group cash-flow statements) that include subsidiaries, associates, and joint ventures.
Diploma IFRS Course


If you are a professional accountant or auditor who works in practice or business, and are qualified according to national accounting standards, then you are eligible to take the qualification. If you are working in practice, but not yet qualified, then you may still be eligible. You will need to prove that you have two years’ relevant accounting experience and hold a degree or CertIFR, or prove that you have three years’ relevant accounting experience. Proof of experience comes in the form of a letter submitted from your employer.


DipIFR is designed to be flexible. You can fit your studies around your work and social commitments. It can be completed in three to six months, and is supported by study materials from approved partners.


The diploma IFRS programme addresses international financial reporting. It also covers first time application of international financial reporting standards. The following are key topic areas of the diploma: n international sources of authority n elements of financial statements n presentation of financial statements and additional disclosures n preparation of external financial reports for combined entities, associates and joint arrangements.

The exam of Diploma IFR.

The DipIFR is assessed by a single written exam. This is held twice a year – in June and December at ACCA’s exam centers or remote at your home. We have over 380 exam centers around the world. The pass mark is 50%. The exam last 3 hours 15 minutes and is made up of four 25-mark compulsory questions requiring both numerical and narrative answers.


You are required to pay an initial registration fee at the point of applying for the DipIFR qualification with a subsequent subscription fee due each year. Current registration and applicable exam fees can be found here:


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